VC's garden

If you come into my front yard you might see Tommydog! Hope he doesn't jump up on you ...

Here are two more pictures of the porch, from the left and from the right.

A quick tour of the living room. And here's one I took without the flash. Next is the dining room. Nice light in there eh, but now it's time to go out back!

Coming down the back stairs you get a view of my jungle, including lemons. If you turn around after you come down those back stairs, this is what you see. Don't come down these other stairs though, they're a bit dodgy.

Looking down the right hand side of the garden, you can see the stone fireplace behind the tommytree. If you go down to the fireplace and look back up the garden, you might see Tommy, who is never far away. And yes, I think these are lemons too.

I have a lovely crabapple and an apple in the corner of the garden. And what on earth is this giant herb? Maybe dill?

It's cool and shady under the plum. But what are these?

That's the quick tour for now. The garden is beautiful thanks to Sky and Scooter, but the pictures are all mine.

April 2001
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